by M Khamal Murray
Loosely based on a true story the French film The Intouchables directed by duo, Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano follows the unlikely friendship and bond that materializes between a disabled wealthy Philippe (Francios Cluzet) and Driss (Omar Sy) a young French-Senegalese man from the ghetto.
Though the film has been criticized for playing on, and manipulating racial stereotypes, disability stereotypes were not to be left out; however, the heart of the production shone through as Driss brought inspiration, perspective and friendship unlike any other to Philippe’s life. This is definitely not they typical racial binary between black and white.
The Intouchables, with and excellent soundtrack, is truly one of the best feel good films of the year and outside of that, simply one of the best movies I’ve seen this year all things considered. The Intouchables has broken many French box-office records and is the second highest grossing film in French history. The film also garnered Sy with a Cesar Award for Best Actor (the French equivalent of an Oscar). Omar Sy made French history when he became the first black actor to win the award in that category.
The Film which is distributed by Alliance Films in North America opens JUNE 1st in Theaters in the US and Canada.
Rating – (4.5 of 5stars)
About Author: M. Khamal Murray is a major in Bioethics & Equity at the University of Toronto. He is the Editor/Writer of TheJuxtapositionApe Blog; as well as, a published freelance journalist & writer with the Jamaican Canadian Xpress,