My Hot Docs’19 recommendations continue. Here, I share my thoughts on two documentaries that remind us of the importance of language and culture. I highly recommend these…
The Miracle Of The Little Prince (Dir. Marjoleine Boonstra)
The film takes us across the globe as we listen to four translators’ own stories, and their connection to The Little Prince.
Boonstra creates a poetic and philosophical film. She focuses on her subjects and their cultures. Their translations go beyond their love of the book. Their work is an extension of themselves and a means of survival. Survival of what is essential to many, their language and culture.
This visual essay of a film is moving, philosophical, and also an excellent primer into understanding why The Little Prince is loved by so many. The values in the story transcend boundaries. The film also takes a deeper look at how this book is helping to save these languages from extinction.

The Book Of The Sea (Dir. Aleksei Vakhrushev
The film blends reality and myth together as a new generation of hunters sets out to sea to hunt the whales, walruses, and seals that have tied them to these remote shores since the beginning of time.
Storytelling is really strong in The Book Of The Sea. Clay animation tells the story of the “the woman who gave birth to a whale” and other ancient myths, which interweave beautifully with Alexey Ottoi and Alexander Emelyanov’s stories. We see Alexey on the boat with his fellow hunters looking for whales and walruses. Alex and companion go inland camouflaged in white coats, in search for seals.
The richness and beauty of their hunting tradition and culture are told through excellent cinematography, original music, and the blend of documentary and animated stories. A beautiful film throughout.