Band Ladies is a darkly comedic digital original series about five middle-aged women, who turn their monthly Book Club into a Punk Band. Through this band, they find new meaning in themselves, their lives, and come clean about their own regrets.
Molly Flood directed while Kate Fenton and Dana Puddicombe wrote the series, which was filmed in Toronto. The Band Ladies are Kate Fenton (Marnie), Lisa Michelle Cornelius (Chloe), Vicki Kim (Cindy), Dana Puddicombe (Penny), and Kirsten Rasmussen (Stephanie).
The series is an easy watch and includes six episodes of about ten minutes each. I’ve seen the series twice in its entirety and still found several things to laugh about and relate to – disillusioned with one’s relationship status or lack thereof, disillusioned with one’s career, disillusioned with one’s choices yet having the right friends to push each other on and break the monotony.
At first, I was unsure how the series would unfold as it starts off with a bang of sorts. The pacing works, though. I found myself curious about how one late-night of drinking and impromptu singing led the group to find their confidence and take risks for themselves individually and with each other.
Let me also share that even after repeat viewing, episode 4 is my favourite one. Some great comedic elements in this episode, but also more character development. By the end of the series, I was ready to see more.
I share more of my thoughts on the series with you via this short summary and review from my Soundcloud channel.
Band Ladies is now available for streaming on HighBall.TV. You can subscribe for a 7-day free trial and watch the entire series in one go, then browse for more original content.