Continuing with my picks for this year’s SummerWorks Festival, I give you my choices for the Performance and Music Series.
Performance Bar
Saturday, August 10 — Tony Ho
Summary: “Tony Ho (Roger Bainbridge, Adam Niebergall and Miguel Rivas) believe being unsettled isn’t a bad thing. This darkly hilarious Toronto group has been called the haunted house of sketch with good reason. Equally funny and disturbing, Tony Ho is entirely unexpected and absolutely unforgettable.”
Sunday, August 11 — Alvis Parsley
Summary: “IDEAS. THOUGHTS. DREAMS. BUBBLES. INTERSECTIONALITY. IDENTITY. GENDERQUEER. NON-ATTACHMENT. POLY. KINKY. LOVE. I’m proudly weird and often politically incorrect. This monologue is about my bleeding gums, helmet, basement room, and Pizza Pizza on the road. Or something along those lines.”
Saturday, August 17 — Petra Glynt
Summary: Petra Glynt a.k.a. Alexandra Mackenzie is knowns as a ‘Psychedelic DIY Artist/Musician’. I’m curious to see what she’ll be presenting at this year’s festival.
Music Series & Musical Works In Concert
Monday, August 12 — Miss Shakespeare
Summary: “The 1600s: women are banned from the stage, but the suppressed female mind is finding it difficult to stay… well, suppressed. Behind the dingy walls of The Cage Tavern, six women explore the seductive power of the theatre, finding their creativity, their voice, and their freedom.
Daddy’s had his turn – the mad mind of Judith Shakespeare explodes in this saucy new musical.”
Friday, August 16 — The Wooden Sky Travelling
Summary: “The Wooden Sky have joined forces with Theatre veterans Jennifer Brewin and Michael Rubenfeld to take a new look at the conventional concert. Playing on themes of traveling carnivals and inspired by their own ‘Bedrooms and Backstreets’ tour this Traveling Adventure Show will cast the neighbourhood surrounding the Lower Ossington Theatre as it’s stage and offer a uniquely intimate experience with The Wooden Sky’s music.”
Saturday, August 17 — Maylee Todd’s Musical Planetarium
Summary: “Maylee Todd transforms the Great Hall into her own personal summer dreamscape. An intimate, synthesized version of her hit LP Escapology like you have never heard it before, the Planetarium is guided by director Steven McCarthy and features a kaleidoscope of visuals and live projection design made live by award-winning filmmaker Tess Girard.
So bring a pillow and get cozy, close and cuddle with a old or new friend because this show is on the ceiling.”
Of course, this is but a sample of the various artists participating this year. For full listings and scheduling information, make sure you visit