BeMused Network, a Toronto-based social technical exterprise for the performing arts, will spark a conversation on the digital future of the performing arts during their Open House on Tuesday, November 29, from 5:30-7:30pm at the historic Heliconian Hall in Yorkville.
The people behind BeMused Network are performing artists, researchers, designers and technologists. The community they serve include presenters, managers, grantmakers, bloggers, and others in the ecosystem. They all share the view that technological innovation is lacking in the arts, and are inspired by BeMused Network‘s vision to build scalable digital infrastructures that the sector needs in order to thrive.
From the founder, Margaret Lam:
“We are in an era of constructing digital infrastructures. From high profile projects like electronic health records, which requires the coordination of policy makers, creating of new jobs, and the partnership of various health organizations, to the less visible but no less impressive network of digital applications and social platforms.”
“In the end, through the everyday choices we make, I have no doubt that we will get the Digital infrastructure for the arts that we deserve. The question is, what do we think we deserve, and how can we make sure we get it?”

This Open House will bring together those with a common stake in the future of the performing arts sector, but who rarely have a reason to get together and plan for our collective future. It is an evening for conversation, for connections, and to grow the movement beyond its core base in Toronto.
On November 29, this community will gather in-person to celebrate and collectively imagine a sustainable and digital future for the performing arts. Those who are interested in participating in this conversation but unable to attend can get involved by creating an artistic account, and join the network online.
Doors open at 5:30pm, with special appearances at 6:15pm by featured guests:
Ben Dietschi, Executive Director of Soundstreams Canada,
Jazz Pianist Ron Davis with Vocalist Janet Whiteway,
and Marketer Paula Sinton as our MC.
Come learn more about BeMused Network, connect with fellow forward-thinkers and makers, and join the effort to work together to build a digital future for the arts. To RSVP to this event, please click here.