Presented by Show One Productions, Slava’s Snowshow returns to Toronto for the first time since 2018. The scruffy, charming troupe of clowns will take audiences on a spellbinding adventure, unleashing good-humored chaos amidst enchanting, contemplative moments before roaring to its legendary finale. Audiences of all ages will enjoy the production which is a charming show for the holiday season.
Founder Slava Polunin discovered the art of pantomime in high school. As an adult, he developed an eccentric version of the form. Since its debut, Slava’s Snowshow has toured non-stop, introducing new audiences and generations to its world of dreams, fantasies and childlike wonder.
Robert Saralp
Dima Merashchi
Bradford West
Oleg Lugovskoy
Georgiy Deliyev
Nikolai Terentiev
Christopher Lynam
Jaime Rebollo
Vanya Yaropolskiy – Technical director
Alistair Kerslake – Sound
Alexander Pecherskiy, Rebecca Lore – Lights
Eerika Yaropolskiy – Company manager
Gwenael Allan – Ambassador
Slava’s Snowshow has now been staged over 12,000 times in 225 cities across 40 countries. I can tell you that the show is a visual and musical extravaganza. It gives us a dream-like atmosphere filled with theatrical magic, lots of laughter, and over-the-top antics.
Click below to hear more about how much I enjoyed Slava’s Snowshow.
Slava’s Snowshow continues at the Elgin Theatre in Toronto, until December 31, 2023.
Images provided by Carol Fox and Associates Public Relations