Fan Expo™ Canada officially begins today and takes over the Metro Convention Centre for the entire weekend until Sunday, September 6th. Being a fangirl myself, I thought it timely to share my picks of what, and whom I’m excited about.
Thursday to Sunday, September 3 – 6
Artist Alley
Indie meets pro in this special area where you will find all of your favourite pencillers, inkers and writers. This is a must for anyone interested in meeting the rising stars and the people who work the front lines of the industry
I’ll be looking forward to seeing my pal Valentine Delandro (X-Factor, BitchPlanet) in Booth P29, among other favourites artists.
Friday, September 4
12:30PM – Celebrity Q&A With Billy Dee Williams
How can one miss the chance of seeing this Star Wars and Batman film star? If you are attending the Expo today, I’d recommend you check out this Q&A. I have also read that Williams is also presenting some paintings at the Liss Gallery in Toronto this weekend.
3:30PM – Screening of Mr. Robot With Christian Slater
This American drama–thriller television series created by Sam Esmail premiered earlier this year. It has received many posititve reviews. Slater stars as Mr. Robot, an insurrectionary anarchist who recruits Elliot into an underground hacker group. For my fellow sci-fi fans, I also suggest you check this out.
3:45PM – Anime Q&A: Attack On Titan Star Trina Nishamura
Nishamura is well-known for her voice talent not only for Attack On Titan, but also for other excellent anime series like Claymore, Psycho-Pass, among many others.
Saturday, September 5
11:45AM – Celebrity Q&A With Danny Trejo
If you have seen the films Machete and Machete Kills, then you know who Trejo is. If you have not, I highly suggest you become acquainted with the man. His work spans decades in film and television, including Blood In, Blood Out, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, Rob Zombie’s Halloween, Breaking Bad, Sons of Anarchy, just to name a few.

1:ooPM – Autodesk Sketchbook Live Demo With Ken Lashley
Lashley is always a treat to see work and interact with at the Expo. Watch him work live using Sketchbook, a pixel graphics software application that features an interesting user interface, intended for expressive drawing and concept sketching.
2:00PM – Celebrity Q&A With Mads Mikkelsen
So much I can say about Mikkelsen, from a fangirl’s perspective, but also from a film fan’s perspective! I became a fan when I saw him in the Pusher films. I also enjoyed his performance as Le Chifre in Casino Royale, and of course, his current embodiment of the Hannibal character in the TV Series. I am sure this will make a very interesting Q&A for those in attendance.
2:45PM – Anime Panel: Dragon Ball Z
This anime series continues to be popular with fans of all ages. So, whether you are a fan of adult anime similar to the kind of content you can find on websites such as, or simply love all things Dragon Ball Z, this anime panel is the one for you. Check out this panel and hear members of the cast talk about their experience with this series and franchise.
Sunday, September 6
11:45AM – What’s The Next Big Thing In Horror Fiction?
Werewolves, vampires, zombies… The Horror Writers Association (HWA) will examine where we’ve been and where we’re going in this genre of fiction. Be sure to check out the HWA’s booth #5221 and say hi to Brian Clement, whose book The Final Transmission I’m reading now. He and other authors will be there to talk about their works, as well as, make them available to you to bring home.
1:15PM – How Fanfiction Is Taking Over The World
Panelists Sam Maggs, moon klutz, and Soha Kareem will explore the changing landscape of fanfiction and its popularity worldwide. They will discuss topics like trends, languages, platforms and norms emerging for readers and authors alike. Sounds like an interesting, thought-provoking chat.
2:00PM – Celebrity Q&A With Gillian Anderson
Anderson is a favourite of mine from her work in The X-Files, as well as, films like The House of Mirth, and the TV series The Fall and Hannibal. I am sure Anderson will not disappoint the fans and this is one Q&A that will be very popular at the Expo this year.
For a complete list of guests, exhibitors, event info and tickets, please visit