Nose To Tail is written and directed by Jesse Zigelstein. The film stars Aaron Abrams (Hannibal, Blindspot) as a talented but abrasive chef struggling with his personal demons and the never-ending pressures of running a high-end restaurant. Over the course of one increasingly hectic day and night, Dan must deal with many trials and tribulations in a desperate attempt to beat the odds and save the business he’s sacrificed virtually everything in his life to build.
Take a listen to my review of this Canadian Film.
Standouts: Great casting. Abrams is excellent as Dan; a frustrated, selfish and narcisstic chef who is struggling to keep his restaurant’s doors open. Excellent supporting roles by Lara Jean Chorostecki as hostess/girlfriend, Chloe; Brandon McKnight as Sous Chef, Keith; Salvatore Antonio as Sommelier, Steven. Also enjoyed seeing Toronto on the big screen.
The film was made with a modest budget as well; very impressive. It looks great on screen. In this first feature, Zigelstein and team have put together a strong film.
Nose To Tail opens in Toronto, Calgary and Winnipeg on February 14, 2020.
Nose to Tail trailer from Nose to Tail on Vimeo.