The 20th edition of aluCine Latin Film + Media Arts Festival returns with a virtual edition this year. For their twentieth anniversary, aluCine’s programming is centred around two major themes: migration in cinema, and Latin womxn in cinema. Already underway, you can take part in the online program free of charge.
Below, I list the programs currently available FREE of charge. As well, I share my interview with programmer Alexandra Gelis.
La programación gratuita de aluCine ya está disponible en línea hasta el 5 de Noviembre. Sigan leyendo para ver que les recomiendo…
Cine Norte / Cine Sur*
October 21st to October 28th
aluCine has chosen to focus on some of the country’s most prominent and compelling female filmmakers.
This film program of independent experimental short films focuses on the multilingual visions and diverse socio-political perspectives female artists bring to Latinx-Canadian media art, Pan-American and universal.

Latin Canadian New Works II*
October 29th to November 5th
This program features five new films from contemporary Latinx-Canadian filmmakers. Perfect for film enthusiasts looking to see what is fresh in Latinx-Canadian independent cinema from the past year. A variety of genres and styles are explored – there is a little bit of everything to enjoy and discover.

Of Differences, Lineages, and Belongings*
November 6, 6:00pm EST
Video, celluloid and performance become resilient matter, shaped by the sensibility of eleven Latinamerican women artists and filmmakers who interweave, disorder and alter their elements. In these thirteen works, they invite us to question what they represent through image and sound, and to look beyond their surface.
I had the pleasure of speaking with artist and programmer Alexandra Gelis about this program among other interesting and exciting programming at this year’s aluCine.
For more information about the festival, how to watch online, and to order your FREE Tickets, please go to
Para más información y para obtener sus tickets para la programación gratuita de aluCine, hagan click aquí.