Art Thing in association with Prairie Fire, Please and in celebration of National Poetry Month bring us a new production of Canadian poet and author Molly Peacock’s solo show in poems, The Shimmering Verge.
The Shimmering Verge combines verse and prose in an exploration of the fine line between metaphor and reality in life and in art. From love, sex and marriage to loss, death and spirituality, the play uncovers the poetry in everyday life.
The play will be performed in double-bill with readings from a selection of Toronto page and stage poets including:

Photo by Arden Wray
Doyali Islam (Poetry Editor of Arc Magazine)
Michael Fraser (2016 CBC Poetry Prize)
Anne Michaels (Toronto’s Poet Laureate)
Tanya Neumeyer (Piecing It Together)
Luke Reece (2018 Canadian Individual Poetry Slam 2nd Place)
Sachiko Murakami (Finalist Governor General’s Literary Awards, 2017 UofT Jack McClelland Writer in Residence)
Lara Bozabalian (The Cartographer’s Skin, Tourist)
This new production features Madeleine Brown (Everyone Wants A T-Shirt!, Toronto Fringe) with direction by Karthy Chin (One Song Glory,Musical Stage Company). The Shimmering Verge will run from April 4-13 at Théâtre français de Toronto’s Studio 21. Pay-What-You-Choose $15 or $25 tickets can be purchased in advance by clicking here.